4 Reasons your Body Needs Cholesterol

Your cholesterol may be high for many reasons. Before being told that it is your genetics or it is animal products that are causing high cholesterol, stop and think about what cholesterol is needed for in your body!🧩

A few of the things that cholesterol is needed for are:

💚Production of Sex Hormones

💚Production of Bile and Stomach Acids

💚Prodcution of Vitamin D

💚Part of the cell membrane of cells

There are MANY other functions of cholesterol, and when you see high cholesterol on a blood panel ask WHY! If you are deficient in hormones, Vitamin D, digestive acids, or have high inflammation then your Liver is most likely going to produce more cholesterol to bring your levels back up. Instead of ONLY treating high cholesterol, lets figure out why the cholesterol is high in the first place! 🧩

Reach out to us for any questions or if you would like to get started with care!💚 919-803-5015


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