How to Deal with Painful Periods?

🩸Periods can be really tough for some women.

😩 The body is preparing for pregnancy each month, and when this doesn't happen, the uterus lining is shed, which can lead to hormonal turbulence. While some women experience more painful cramps, irregular cycles, or heavy blood flow, it is important to remember that these are not normal or healthy. However, there is hope for restoring health and proper function so that periods are not unbearable.

There are many factors that can cause heavy and painful periods. What the body is fed and nurtured with during childhood can impact how the body grows and develops later on. For instance, soy-based baby formulas, eating out of plastics, and consuming glyphosate, fertilizers, and other agricultural chemicals can all impact the body's operations and lead to harder periods. Yeast or bacterial overgrowth in the gut can also cause more painful periods by leading to estrogen dominance, which thickens the endometrial lining, thus making it harder to break down tissues.

🤔To fix heavy, painful periods, it is important to find out what is happening within the body. Addressing the problem depends on the specific issue the body is experiencing. For instance, is the body estrogen-dominant, requiring the liver to be worked on? Or is the body progesterone-dominant, requiring attention to mental stress? Addressing allergies, gut infections, and environmental toxins is also essential.

While there are no one-size-fits-all answers, there are lifestyle changes that can help ease heavy, painful, and irregular periods. For instance, reducing exposure to plastics, detoxing from sugar, and avoiding soy can all help improve overall health.

Healing your body requires lifestyle changes that will have far more benefits than just making periods easier to manage and we're here to help! Set up a consultation with one of our doctors at the link in our bio or call our office at 919-803-5015💚


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